Wednesday, January 23, 2013


So we are starting to coupon again, we were slacking for a while at the end of last year. I have re-established our binder and have been keeping up with our newspapers coupons, which the last coupon of months, sometimes they just sat on the counter until they were expired. So we are getting a start on that. I am looking for websites to help with couponing and sales. What is your favorite website(s) for couponing??

Thursday, January 17, 2013

My Mouth Just Farted!!

From our 3 year old. Whenever Ava burps now she says ‘Excuse me, my mouth just farted!” with a big grin on her face.
This girl is saying some pretty funny things. I am trying to write them down so she has them when she is older. Her way of thinking is cracking me up.

The Get out of Debt Project

So we are starting 2013 with a Get Out of Debt Plan. We hope to be debt free in a few years, its all in time. We did not get into debt over night and there’s no way we are going to get out of it over night.

But we are making a lot of changes and doing different things different ways to try to help us. As we set up these projects and different ways, I will be sharing what we are doing and how it’s working and if it works for us.

Our first plan is to use cash when possible and stop relying on our debit cards. They are too easy. So I am working on money envelopes to help us with the items we can pay cash for and start there. I still plan on paying bills online however eating out, misc buys, groceries, and other items will now be cash only items. If we are out and decide we want to eat out, if I don’t have the envelope on me for this, we are not going to do it.

Our second plan is to use our extra income, our 2nd jobs to go towards debt instead of our 'extras' like we have been. We have been using money from our account and our 2nd jobs for our 'wants', that’s time to stop. We have to start using this extra income as a way to help our debt ratio. So now when 31 commissions come in we will be putting it towards a credit card or unexpected bill that comes in.

Getting into this mind set will be huge for me. I was never really raised on a budget because my family like many lived week to week and paid what they could but always made sure we had food and shelter. There was no extra money to do much or buy much. When we did have a little extra, we spent it on what we wanted. I want to put that little extra towards something to get it gone and done, out of our debt spreadsheet.

I have the snowball spreadsheet on the computer, just need to plug everything in. I have different worksheets to keep us on track and of course I want to make up those money envelopes to help us.

We have no kids on formula and only one in diapers so our baby cost has gone way down than it was a year ago. We are getting closer to getting a few things paid off and we can see the light but its going to take a lot of hard work on our part.

We cannot wait to get to the point where we can begin working on our 'wants'. We have so many projects we would love to do but are waiting until the debt is gone before focusing on the other stuff. Hoping this new venture gets off the ground running and continues to make good habits for me, Kenny and the girls.  

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Heartbroken again…

Yesterday I gave up all my baby clothes to another little itty bitty baby that was born this past October. Baby Jolynn is at Ava and Hailey’s daycare and her mother had asked if I had any clothes for handmedowns. WELL YEEEESSS!!!
I have been fortunate enough to be given awesome high qualify handmedowns and also the things that I had bought for the girls. I have been talking about going through the girls clothes for months now, one because I didn’t have the time and two, because I knew I would be emotional with it. Its just another baby thing out of our house.  Another reminder of no more newborns.
It took a lot on Saturday to throw everything into the bags and look through to see what I wanted to keep for them. I kept their Easter dresses Aunt Gail have bought them and Christmas dresses plus a few special outfits like their coming home from the hospital and certain favorite cute ones I put them in.
Tuesday morning, Kenny loaded all 5 bags into my trunk and I dropped them off with the girls at Vickies house. I have 3 empty totes now, ready for size 4, 5, and 6 handmedowns or bargains that I catch at the end of seasons.
But its done. Hailey is in 18 months for winter, will probably be in 2T by summer and as she grows out of things, I will be passing them on to who needs them in our circle of friends with little ones or to baby Jolynn.
I know next time it will be a little easier. Adjusting to having 2 toddlers and no more little baby will be fixed soon enough when there are a lot of little babies around to hug and snuggle. There are like 4 people due in the spring. I will get all my little baby snuggles then.
We have so much coming up that I know one day I will be thankful to be out of the baby stage and not worrying about nap times or diapers. One day….
Until then, my heart will tug just a little as I watch my two little girls grow so fast.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Its the Middle of the 1st Month of 2013

Can you believe it’s already the middle of the month? Seriously where does the time go?? I feel like my girls are growing too fast and right in front of my eyes. They are learning so much so quickly. Our family has been down for the count since Christmas, the flu bug, coughs, runny noses, and attitudes have plagued our home.
I wish I could slow down time and just watch them in one space doing one action, but they move so fast. One minute we are watching cartoons, then its reading books, then off to play a game, then we have to let the puppy back in. Next thing you know its bed time and we are waking up doing it all over again.
I had wanted to post to this blog every day this year. Something personal along with the giveaways. This the 15th is my first post from my hands. I hope to get better; I worked out a little ‘schedule’ last night and think I am going to try to keep that. There are a few things I would like to achieve. I think I can do it. I don’t like saying ‘I can’t’ I don’t even let my kids say that phrase. They can ask for help or find another way of doing it but I can’t isn’t something that I want to hear.
So the 2nd part of this 1st month of 2013 I am going to start a new routine, along with the wonderful giveaways that I get to help promote, I will be blogging about my family, goals, Thirty One, and different projects in the house. We have so many we would like to accomplish this year to get the house in tip top shape in case we would decide we would like to sell. We have been waffling back and forth on this decision. We like the house but it isn’t the house we had planned on being in forever. We have land; we would love to build but to do that we must pay of debt. Debt free….another long project in the making but I think we finally have a system that will change all of that. I am slowly decorating the house to the way I want it, with the use of Thirty One Commission---I love my extra job!!
Thirty One is doing awesome, you may be tired of hearing about it, but what other company gives you $700 of free items for just going and having a good time with friends and family. I am so thankful I became this business and cannot wait to share more with you as the time comes. I am working on a few giveaways and a few items to be raffled off. I would love to build my business throughout the country!! Know anyone that wants to join? I am continuing my Enrollment Kit Rebate, qualify in your first 45 days ($1000 in sales) and I will refund your $99 for joining. I try to take care of my customers the way I would want to be treated and try to bend over backwards to make them happy.
The girls are doing awesome at 3 years and 15 months I couldn’t ask for better kids. They are my world. My husband well the longer we are together, the better we become. Our relationship just becomes stronger as time goes on. Our family time is getting easier since we have no bottles and one out of diapers. It’s easier to go do things on a fly, easier to go to places without a big bag full of stuff, and nap times are pretty consistent.
So here’s to another year. Another year of sharing our little lives with others. Another year of taking care of family. Another year of fun filled packed drama with screams, crying, and laughter. If my house is quiet, it means someone is usually up to something.
It’s the 15th, have you started your New Year’s Resolutions?? Have you already quit? Have you put them on the back burner until you are ready for them?